Sometimes this has to be explicitly stated when the assembler cannot determine from the operands whether a byte or word is being referenced. The MOV instruction has a few limitations: an immediate value cannot be moved into a segment register directly (i.e. mov ds,10) segment registers cannot be copied directly (i.e. mov es,ds)


If S is specified, the condition flags are updated on the result of the operation. cond is an optional condition code. Rd is the destination register. Rn is the register holding the first operand. Operand2 is a flexible second operand. imm12 is any value in the range 0-4095. Operation The ADD instruction adds the values in Rn and Operand2 or imm12.

If the RPL field ("requested privilege level"--bottom two bits) of the first operand is less than the RPL field of the second operand, the zero flag is set to 1 and the RPL field of the first operand is increased to match the second operand. word register ‹ word register * sign-extended immediate cannot be used to determine if the upper half of the result is non-zero. (the first operand) and two following table illustrates instructions with an operand in register indirect addressing mode. Instructions Remarks MOV AX, [BX] two operands: the first is register AX, and the second is a word memory location in the data segment at offset in register BX. MOV BYTE PTR [DI], 5 two operands: the first is a byte memory location in the data Copies a word from the source operand (second operand) and inserts it in the destination operand (first operand) at the location specified with the count operand (third operand). (The other words in the destination register are left untouched.) The source operand can be a general-purpose register or a 16-bit memory location.

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The term archLSB may be used in the generic part to refer to the corresponding An application that relies on such a value or behavior cannot be assured to be The first line of the shell script includes a reference to its interpreter binary. reload1.c:6120 msgid "could not find a spill register" msgstr "kunde inte hitta något by the scheduler during the first scheduling pass" msgstr "Det maximala antalet c-format msgid "incompatible floating point / vector register operand for config/mcore/mcore.opt:64 msgid "Prefer word accesses over byte accesses"  Program and Word Alignment 7. Program Counter, Status Register and How They Work 8. Assembler 8. Classes of Instructions 8.

The first specification refers to the memory word with which the name AREA is associated. The second specification refers to the memory word 5 words away from the word with the name AREA. Here ‘5’ is the displacement or offset from AREA. The third specification implies indexing with index register 4—that is, the operand address is obtained

true. The assembler checks the pointer type used with the ADDR operator against the pointer type declared in the PROC directive. For example, it prevents a pointer to DWORD from being passed to a procedure expecting an pointer to BYTE.

Write to VDP-register aphs? Y/N" :: ACCEPT AT (19,1 The first two lines get the name of the file. 7) SIZE(1) peculiarity of XBasic that this cannot be written as IF M$="" OR ASC(M$) <33 - in spite of the WORD-1. PB 90-5. Word Processing, TI-writer, Characters, Margins. 1 a the first operand to the second ope- rand.

Word register cannot be first operand

Like the integers, the first operand is both the first source operand and the destination operand.

Word register cannot be first operand

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Word register cannot be first operand

– Operand .

The result (i.e. first) operand must be a register. The three operand form multiplies its second and third operands together and stores the result in its first operand.
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The two-operand form multiplies its two operands together and stores the result in the first operand. The result (i.e. first) operand must be a register. The three operand form multiplies its second and third operands together and stores the result in its first operand. Again, the result operand must be a register.

There is an error in the argument given to the --apcs command line option. Check the spelling of . The name given in the --cpu command line option is not a recognized processor name. Check the spelling of the argument.

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The first operand is a 16-bit word register or memory variable that contains the value of a selector. The second operand is a word register. If the RPL field of the second operand is greater than the RPL field of the first operand, ZF is set to 1 and the RPL field of the first operand is increased to match the RPL field of the second operand.

It also translates all registers into new ;; ones (except ESP, of course). xor eax, eax ; Tell the to know ;; if two instructions can be shrinked or not (they can't if the second ;; one has a label over it). address struct is a 8-bits operand, while +07 is a 32 bit reg. ;; F9: MOVZX Reg,word ptr [Mem] ;; FA:  coff-arm.c:1398 elf32-arm.h:1002 #, c-format msgid " first occurrence: %s: arm call to c-format msgid "ERROR: %s passes floats in integer registers, whereas %s dwarf2.c:541 msgid "Dwarf Error: Can't find .debug_abbrev section.